After my master degree in CS, I specialized in Tiny Machine Learning, which is the science and art of optimizing machine learning models to fit into resource-constrained devices like microcontrollers.
In the meantime, I developed websites using the TALL stack (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, Livewire), tinkered with Arduino, wrote a self-published book on the ESP32-CAM (a 15$ AI-enabled embedded camera), explored the wonderful world of generative AI.
Machine learning algorithms for microcontrollers and embedded hardware
Neural networks and deep learning for vision, audio and signal processing
Websites for privates and small businesses with a clean and purposeful aesthetic. No frills.
Integrate the power of ChatGPT into your business operations workflow. Analyze text, Excel sheets, images...
Generate images and videos from text, edit existing images, replicate your voice... Everything is possible
Automate repetitive computer tasks by scripting mouse movements and keyboard typing for efficient data insertion and scraping.
List of the main projects I worked on during the last few years
Projects I worked on during my free time as a learning experience